Saturday, July 3, 2010


Short Biography of the life of Nefertiti
The history, facts and information about Nefertiti, the wife of Akhenaten the famous pharaoh of Ancient Egypt. The following biography information provides basic facts about the life Nefertiti:

Nefertiti meant "the beautiful (or perfect) woman has come"
The famous bust of Nefertiti has lead to her being described as 'The Most Beautiful Woman in the World.'
Alternative spellings of the name: Nefrertiti
Egyptian Period / Kingdom: New Kingdom
Dynasty: Nefertiti was queen in the Eighteenth Egyptian Dynasty
Name of Pharaoh husband: Akhenaten (first known as Amenhotep) 1351 BC -1337 BC
Period as the Chief wife Queen Nefertiti: r1351 – 1337 BC
Akhenaten was succeeded by: Smenkhkare* 1336 BC -1334 BC and Tutankhamun 1334 BC -1325 BC

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